Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rosemary's Baby... the Comedy?

Last night M.B. and I went to see Rosemary's Baby at the Film Forum. Always an intense movie-going experience, we were expecting to watch Roman Polanski's classic with the recommended 'mature audience'. I had seen it before (one of my faves) however, M.B. was a first-timer.

Once the scary music started, the laughter began. A RUDE theater-goer apparently thought that every scene was hilarious. I agree that there are some funny scenes, but it isn't that funny. It really ruined the whole experience for anyone willing to get sucked into the film and freaked out by the pregnancy/birth of the son of satan! After the film ended, everyone turned to the loud chuckling goon. He replied with a smirk and a 'meow'. To which the British gentleman behind us retorted, "Oh I hope you choke and die." As I said, there is always an incident at this particular theater and it didn't disappoint. Sometimes the response is worse than the offense. Either way, Saturday night at the movies was less than polite.

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